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God's Promise, Our Response

25 Years of Hope

In 2020, People of Hope celebrates 25 years of coming together as caring Christians, welcoming all, to explore and grow in a loving relationship with God.


In the name of Jesus, Member Missionaries act boldly. Hungry people receive food. Homeless youth encounter caring hearts. Those on the margins find community. Faith is shared. People experience the love of God. Without People of Hope, Rochester would not be the same. 


The question for the next 25 years of ministry: What does God have in store for People of Hope? How do we respond to God's blessings and thrive into the future?


Inspired by God's love and forgiveness, the time has come to dream big, proclaiming a God who acts boldly to share love with all people.


A Strategic Planning process this year will help the congregation clarify God's call for the future. Whether it be innovation in the worship experience, expansion of Christian education ministries to children, youth, and adults, or targeted outreach to the Rochester community and greater world, People of Hope is poised to thrive in 2020 and beyond.


In recent years, a mortgage payment has made it difficult to dream God-sized dreams. Removing the burden of a mortgage payment will free People of Hope to boldly move forward in hope. 


THRIVE 2020 will propel People of Hope into the future. Financial gifts, above and beyond regular support for the ministry, will make this possible.

"New mission open up when the load is lifted. 
Hope reigns supreme as our eyes turn to God."
-Marilyn Hansmann

Would you like to be a part of this exciting project? Please pray about People of Hope's mission and ministry and consider how God is calling you to respond. The plan is to have gifts received and the debt retired by the end of 2020.


Please click on the corresponding button below if you would like to make a one-time gift to be used towards THRIVE 2020.  If you would like to make a pledge paid out over multiple installments, please click the "Pledge" button to e-mail Marilyn Hansmann, People of Hope's Treasurer, to make arrangements.

Please click the button below to access campaign materials

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