Why are we a church in mission?
At People of Hope, service is an essential way that we live out our calling as a community of faith. We see these small acts of service as the way in which we can spread God's love in the world. We also recognize that this calling spread out into the community and the world.
If you are interested in serving in any of the areas listed, please press the button below to contact the People of Hope office.
Special note: To volunteer for Open Table, please click on "Open Table". You can also find out about our international ministry partners by clicking on their name.
How We Serve - In The Church

There are a lot of different ways to serve inside the walls of People of Hope. Some of the ways to volunteer are listed below:
In Worship:
Cookie Team - Cookie Team Guidelines: 1: In addition to cookies, you can also bring muffins, breads, pastries, fresh fruit, etc. 2: Please bring 3-4 dozen items on your assigned Sunday. 3: If items need to be dropped off. Please mark for the date, & your name. Drop off by 8:45am. 4: We do require gluten-free treats, so please consider providing those options also. There are standing labels for “Gluten-Free” in the kitchen. Do not label as gluten-free unless you are positive they are “free”. Keep space between gluten-free & other treats. 5: We were scheduling every 3 months. However, the team roster is smaller now, so scheduling is more frequent for now. While we are still transitioning, please also consider the following for next couple of months: *Individual packaged servings - commercially packaged or by provider. *Place individual servings in glasses, small plates or napkins, or small plastic cups. *Space servings so they can be picked up without touching other items. *Wear gloves & masks.
Audio Visual
In Teaching:
Learning Time
Adult Learning Time
Adult Learning Time meets on Sunday mornings to explore a variety of topics - from the bible and theology to current events.
Small Groups
In Fellowship/Support:
People of Hops
Meals of Hope
Power Supply
Funeral Support team
Ladies Wine and Dine
With Building and Grounds:
Building and Land Use
Building and Grounds Maintenance
Stewards of Hope (land conservation)
Adopt-a-Garden (flower beds)
Lawn Mowing
How We Serve - In The Community

We are known as a church of service in the larger Rochester community. Some of the ways in which we serve are listed below:
Channel One Regional Food Bank Monthly Pack
​The Channel One monthly pack group volunteers at the Channel One Food Bank in Rochester on the third Thursday of every month from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. We pack food boxes for the branch food shelves or for the NAPS program, or we pack bulk donated food into family-sized packages to be distributed to customers in the Channel One food store. Contact Joyce Stacy if you are interested in becoming part of this group
Dorothy Day Hospitality House
The Women’s Shelter and Support Center
Family Promise Rochester
The LINK Services for Youth (LSS)
Mission Turkey Sandwich
Waterstop for Med City Marathon
People of Hope has adopted the two-mile segment of County Road 34 between West Circle Drive (CS22) and County Road 104, which runs right in front of POH. In the Spring and Fall, our team of 12+ people meet for approximately 1 hour to clean up trash along the road. Safety vests, gloves, trash bags, beverages and treats are provided. All ages and affiliations are welcome! We've had girl scout troops, friends and relatives join us to work together and feel a sense of pride in caring for our environment while learning about the impact of litter on our surroundings.
Summer of Service
Operation Bedroll
How We Serve - Community Wide Events

We also like to celebrate special occasions with the entire Rochester community. We do this in the following ways:
Community Wide Easter Egg Hunt
Beer and Carols
How We Serve - In The World

We believe that our calling stretches us to serve beyond our walls and community and into the world. Some of the ways we serve internationally are:
Lutheran World Relief School Kits Project
Lutheran World Relief Quilt and Tie Blankets
District Partner with Central Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania